Falling through the cracks demos

Falling through the cracks

Joel Price

Double cd chronicling sorrow and loss as well as my battle with lyme Disease. Thank you for your support and if you feel so inclined to give a donation to my Lyme disease treatment fund just click on the GoFund me icon on the bottom of this page. Thank you for supporting me in my journey to healing.

“Music is an extension of who I am. I think God

Double cd chronicling sorrow and loss as well as my battle with lyme Disease. Thank you for your support and if you feel so inclined to give a donation to my Lyme disease treatment fund just click on the GoFund me icon on the bottom of this page. Thank you for supporting me in my journey to healing.

“Music is an extension of who I am. I think God makes people for different purposes but even before I knew “why” I was supposed to be doing music, I was pursuing my own selfish ambitions. This led me to destroy every relationship I ever had as well as trying to take my own life in the process.” A quote from my bio from 2005. You know it’s a funny thing how tomorrow’s not promised us. We are not promised health or prosperity in this lifetime. There are no guarantees, anything can happen in this life. So about five years ago, I was bitten by a tick. Such a small thing in the scheme of life, yet the ramifications and the ripple effect haunt me still. See I suffer from what they call L.B.C. or Lyme borrelia complex. It is a multifaceted disease that affects your immune system as well as your nervous system. It has affected every aspect of my life. I suffer from Extreme fatigue, neuropathy, joint and muscle pain. I’ve been hit the hardest in my hands. It’s not so unlike having Parkinson’s disease. I have tremors, have had seizures I also have extreme vertigo and over stimulation problems. I can’t go into large crowds with out noise canceling earbuds. Even though I’ve been under treatment for the last three years, I’ve still lost ground in regards to what my hands are able to do. Playing guitar is almost like a memory. My hands just will not do what they use to do. The falling through the cracks roject came out of my desire and need to keep my head above water. I knew that I could not approach writing and recording the same way that I did before because I can barely play guitar at all. Playing power cords and maybe some open cords is about all I could do but I had a friend tell me once, I know it’s hard, I know you think you can’t but do it anyway. That became my mantra for these recordings. I made it my goal to do what I felt like was impossible. Write and record new music even though I felt like I couldn’t. In most cases I’ve had to cut and paste things together because I couldn’t play all the way through a song. This set of recordings has taken me over 2 years and as it nears completion, I’m having to Bring friends in to do guitar solos as well as an old producer friend Jeff Shannon (www.jeffshannonproductions.com) to help me mix and master the recordings. During the writing and recording process I picked up keyboard as a secondary instrument. It is proven to be invaluable to me in continuing to be creative. Because my left-hand was torched, the way keyboards are laid out became a way for me to continue to write songs. Some of the songs are really raw emotional. I felt it necessary to stay true to myself and what I was feeling and what I was going through through the music that I was creating. Some of the songs are Positive; some of the songs are downright gut wrenching. The song I wrote about my father’s death it’s one of the songs I can barely listen to now.
What you’ll find in the falling through t the cracks recordings is a man broken by a disease but searching for Hope and finding hope in Jesus Christ. Some of the lyrics in these recordings might seam improper for a Christian man to be singing. Well, some of the songs play out more like psalms or lamentations from the bible. The original title for these recordings was lament. However, this disease has affected my brain and my central nervous system. I’ve been somewhat mental at times. So, I change the name to falling through the cracks. I hope that the bare minimum that you will listen to these recordings with an open mind and I hope that you find some encouragement from these recordings. If you’re dealing with a debilitating illness like I am I pray at the least that you wouldn’t feel alone. That you would know that someone else is going through what you’re going through. Feeling similar things to what you’re feeling. May God keep you and bless you every aspect of your life. Thank you for going on this journey with me. Joel Price.

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